Τρίτη 7 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Box Hill gets Australian born president

George Kapnias is the first Australian-born Greek to be elected as President of the Greek Orthodox Community of Box Hill and Districts (GOCBHD)

George Kapnias
George Kapnias is the first Australian-born Greek to be elected as President of the Greek Orthodox Community of Box Hill and Districts (GOCBHD) in its 45 year history. Mr Kapnias has been involved in the community for the last five years and was elected president in the last election.
"It's an honour and a privilege to represent such a good benevolent organisation," he told Neos Kosmos.
"The Box Hill community has a long history of philanthropy, they donate thousands of dollars every year to other organisations, the community is tight-knit and is predominately first generation Greeks, and I think their mission is one that needs to be supported and recognised."
The GOCBHD has made donations in excess of $100,000 towards organisations such as the Victorian Bush Fire Appeal, the Queensland Flood Victims Appeal, the Box Hill, Royal Children's and Peter McCallum Hospitals, The Heart Foundation and many more. The Community also sponsors children in Africa via its ongoing annual contribution to World Vision.
"It is so rewarding to be involved in an organisation that is so giving and is true to the spirit of community," says Mr Kapnias.
Born in Balwyn, Mr Kapnias has spent his whole life living in the area and knows too well the needs of the community.
"As the first generation Greek migrant population begins to age, it is incumbent upon my generation to take on the responsibilities of operating the Community. We have such a rich inheritance - culture, traditions, language and religion - and are blessed for the fact that we are able to express our heritage in open and democratic Australia."
The redevelopment of the community's facility is his first task at hand as president, ensuring GOCBHD provides the services that are needed by their community. He says building a new classroom for the community language school - that they provide for free from prep to year 10 - is one of their top priorities, as is ensuring they have the facilities for their elderly citizens group. The GOCBHD has one of the largest and most active elderly citizens group, that meets three times a week, so he says it's important to nurture and give the ageing population an outlet to meet.

πηγή: neoskosmos.com