5th International Symposium
of Kytheraismos
The human dimension of the Kytheraismos concept”
new Kytherian and Philo-Kytherian cultural spirit)
Kythera (Myrtidia, Chora, Fratsia, Potamos)
19-22 July 2012
Call for participation
Dear compatriots
and Philokytherians all over the world,
The Institute of Kytheraismos in association with its
local committees all around the world, organizes in Kythera the 5th
International Symposium of Kytheraismos.
Main topic of the
Symposium is:
“Neo-Kytheraismos: The human
dimension of the Kytheraismos concept”
(The new Kytherian and
Philo-Kytherian cultural spirit)
presentations must be limited to a maximum of twenty minutes long. The official
languages of the Symposium will be Greek and English. Those wishing to present
a paper should complete attached registration form, giving personal details,
the title and a short abstract in Greek and English. Please send registrations
forms by 30th of June, 2012
to the following address: Mr. Elias Marsellos, Institute
of Kytheraismos , 81 Heroon Polytechniou Ave. ,
Piraeus , 18536 Greece , tel. 0030/210.4599414, fax.
0030/210.4599415, e-mail: kytheraismos@gmail.com. The presentations must be, in two languages, 20
days before the opening of the Symposium in the same above address or e-mail
The conference
will host some cultural events and there will be a visit to the archaeological
and historical sites of the island
A. Marsellos